Attention: It's Time to Manifest Like a Pro

You Won't Believe What You Are About to Read...
Your Manifesting Challenges Are About to End and You'll See The Sky is the Limit For You

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Your Endless Search for Manifesting Solutions Ends Here

Like many aspiring manifestors, you may find yourself questioning why manifesting your dreams hasn't been as easy as you thought it would be.

Maybe you've tried to manifest and use the Law of Attraction, but it didn't fully work for you, or you've had sporadic results.

You've devoured countless books, immersed yourself in online courses and videos, invested in various resources and more, yet the results you crave seem elusive, or inconsistent.

You've heard all about the wonders of manifesting, yet it just hasn't worked out as you'd hoped.

Making Manifesting Work for YOU

You wonder if there's something you just don't understand about manifesting and Law of Attraction to make it work for you, whether it is just a myth, or only meant to work for other people.

Or, perhaps manifesting DID work for you, to an extent, and you're still longing for so much more. You're eager to unlock your TRUE potential and create the life of your dreams.

And you KNOW there is much more to this...

Right Now, The Life You've Always Wanted Is Waiting For You in This Very Moment... Seize This Moment

I am here to tell you that you're not alone in this heart-wrenching struggle. So many face the same setbacks, disappointments, and discouragement in their manifesting journey.

It could be it's not your fault.  It could be the teachings and techniques you've tried so far may have been incomplete or simply not the right fit for you.

It's time to turn this around.

No more feeling trapped, defeated, or overwhelmed by your circumstances. It's time to shatter the chains that have held you back and uncover what you have been looking for for so long, the secrets to manifesting with ease and grace.

Imagine for a moment the life you've always yearned for.

Imagine the warmth of true love, the security of financial freedom, the vitality of perfect health, and the joy of unshakeable happiness. Now, picture yourself effortlessly manifesting all this and more, with unwavering confidence. This extraordinary life is within your grasp.

My Journey: From Aspiring Manifestor to Dream-Maker

I can totally relate to that because for a number of years, I too was trying to find the answers!

I started by learning about manifesting, yet I grappled with making it work consistently or realising the monumental results I wanted to achieve. I had a hard time doing it all the time or making BIG things happen.

I tried everything I learned from books and teachers, like thinking of what I wanted, talking to myself, visualising, writing down my goals, thinking about it every day, then not thinking about it every day, and everything else I could think of!  

I knew there was much more to this.

And like most things, a true simplicity.  After all, don't the most powerful and profound things in nature and the universe have a simplicity to them?

Finally, after Years and Years of Research and Working with Clients and Students Around the World,
I am Releasing The Perfect Manifesting System

In my learning, self-work and self-discovering I realised that there are common denominators in the KEYS to manifesting.  Not fragmentation and separation, which is why many people get confused with the various teachings out there and fail to get the results they deserve.

I took my learnings and crafted my own system, streamlining the process and weaving in the most potent manifesting principles. Before long, not only was I manifesting my heart's desires, but I was also helping others bring their dreams to fruition.

With variations of traditional techniques that WORK as well as creating new techniques which I believe are the best in the world at manifesting.

Soon after, I authored "Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction" and embarked on a journey to conduct live events across the globe, from the dazzling lights of Las Vegas to the sun-kissed shores of Australia's Gold Coast and the bustling streets of London.

I wrote a book called "Find You & You Find Everything: The Secrets to the Law of Attraction" and started traveling to different places to teach people about making their dreams come true.

Welcome to Manifesting Excellence:
Your Ultimate Manifesting Mastery

Taking this further, and to make these teachings available to as many as possible, this is why I conceived Manifesting Excellence, an innovative platform where I share the latest, most effective, rapid, and unparalleled manifesting techniques, even showcasing how to apply them through live video demonstrations.

Recently, we commemorated our TWELFTH ANNIVERSARY, and I've revitalised Manifesting Excellence to an unprecedented level, brimming with unmissable, definitive, all-encompassing secrets, tips, and strategies for you to master manifesting and obtain the results you truly deserve.

That's when I created Manifesting Excellence, a special place where I share the best ways to make your dreams come true. I even show people how to do it on video. We recently celebrated our twelfth year, and I made Manifesting Excellence even better, with more secrets and tips for you to learn.

BE MORE DESCRIPTIVE than any other part


My Purpose for Manifesting Excellence:
Turning YOUR Dreams into Reality

For over two decades I've guided people toward manifesting the most astounding moments and accomplishments of their lives, be it discovering their soulmates, attaining financial independence, acquiring their dream cars in record time, or witnessing dramatic enhancements in health and wellbeing, among a myriad of other transformative achievements.

For over twenty years, I've helped people make their dreams come true, like finding true love, having lots of money, getting their dream cars quickly, or feeling healthier and happier.

I created Manifesting Excellence so people like yourself can easily access these resources and change your life life as quickly and powerfully as possible as well as manifest individual goals you may have been trying for so long.

Because you are unique and deserve something that fits for you, includes: (Create box with icons, best items at top/front)

When You Join Our Elite Group of High Performing Manifestors...

Start manifesting your dreams with these exclusive features and benefits

1 - Masterclass Webinars - Time to Manifesting Excellence

  • Master the Most Powerful, Unique & Innovative Manifesting Insights Every Month
  • The Most Effective Manifesting Methods Unveiled and Explained to Keep You Ahead of the Game
  • Best Manifesting Principles with Expert Guidance
  • Proven Manifesting Strategies for Success Uncovered
  • Get Exclusive Insights That You Won't Find Anywhere Else.

2 - Weekly Q&A Webinars - Real-Time Personalised Manifesting Advice

  • Skyrocket Your Manifesting with Personalised Weekly Guidance
  • Direct Access to Expert Manifesting Advice
  • Customised Solutions for Your Unique Manifesting Challenges
  • Real-Time Manifesting Troubleshooting
  • Optimize and Fine-Tune Your Manifesting Technique

3 - Exclusive Access to In-Depth Manifesting Excellence Video Library

  • Exclusive Access to Proven Manifesting Methods & Top-Notch Techniques
  • Treasure Trove of Manifesting Wisdom & Manifesting Secrets
  • Endless High-Quality Resources and Inspiration at Your Fingertips
  • A Wealth of Information to Unlock Your Full Potential
  • Convenient & Easy Access When it Suits You

4 - Webinar Replays

  • On-Demand Instant Replay Access
  • Manifesting Wisdom to Enjoy in Your Own Schedule & Lifestyle
  • Never Miss a Masterclass or Q&A Session
  • Watch the Powerful Webinars at Your Pace and Convenience.

5 - Quick-Access PDFs and Resources to Download

  • Instantly Accessible Manifesting Tools to Kickstart Your Journey
    Enhance Your Personal Growth with Wealth of Supplementary Materials
  • Printable Guides, Worksheets, and Templates to Track Your Progress
  • Time-Saving PDFs, Cheat Sheets, Guides to Fast-Track Your Manifesting Progress
  • Condensed Wisdom at Your Fingertips - Manifest Whenever, Wherever

6 - Supportive and Like-Minded Private Community

  • Stay Motivated and Inspired with Community Interaction
  • New Manifesting Approaches Through the Power of a Supportive Manifesting Network
  • Connect with Fellow Manifestors and a Worldwide Network of Like-Minded Souls
  • Learn from Others' Manifesting Experiences and Success Stories

Manifesting Made Powerfully Simple:
What's Inside Manifesting Excellence

1 - ME Masterclass Webinars - Your Monthly Dose of Manifesting Magic: Immerse yourself in powerful insights every month, stay ahead of the game with cutting-edge manifesting methods, and enjoy fresh content that will inspire you to push your manifesting abilities to new heights.

2 - ME Weekly Q&A Webinars - Manifesting Advice Tailored to You: Get personalised answers to your questions in real-time, direct expert advice, and the motivation you need to overcome your unique manifesting challenges. It's like having your own personal manifesting coach on speed dial!

3 - Exclusive Access to the Manifesting Excellence Video Library - The Ultimate Manifesting Resource:
Dive deep into proven manifesting techniques, tap into a treasure trove of wisdom with endless high-quality resources and unlock the power of manifesting like never before.

4 - ME Webinar Replays - Manifesting Wisdom on Your Schedule: Never miss a class or Q&A session with our on-demand instant replays that accommodate any lifestyle. Acess them whenever you want, wherever you want!

5 - Quick-Access ME PDFs and Downloadable Resources - Manifesting Tools at Your Fingertips: Enhance your learning experience with our suite of easy-to-use tools, printable guides, worksheets, and time-saving resources. Designed to streamline your progress, these resources put the power of manifesting right in your hands.

6 - Manifesting Excellence Private Community - Your Personal Manifesting Tribe: Join a worldwide network of fellow manifestors where you can share your journey, stay motivated, and explore new manifesting approaches within a nurturing, supportive environment. You'll never feel alone on your manifesting journey again!

Instant Access to Content in your ME Member's Area, Including:

The Best Manifesting Technique in the World

101 Goal Design Blueprint

AI & Manifesting - Using AI & Chat GPT for Cutting-Edge Manifesting & Transformation Approaches

The Calling of Your Source

Goal Setting & Manifesting Workshop

Clearing Clutter & Creating Space for the New

7 Rock Solid Manifesting Principles

Paradigm Shifter Technique

"When Will it Be Here?"

The Truth about Reality Manifesting

Love Manifesting Matrix

Most Popular Relationship Q&A's

Manifesting is ALL Of You

Manifestations from Language Sorcery

Relationship Success Stories

Creating Your Reality

7 Proven Ways to Your Biggest Manifestational Breakthroughs


Healing techniques*

Emoji LOA Story

Attracting the Relationship or Anything That Has Been Evading You

The 100's Game

7 Tips to Car Manifestation

Manifesting Alignment Tracker

Cleaning Up Relationships - Past, Present & Future

Minimalistic Guide to Great Manifesting Results

Flow, Desire & Expectation

Advanced Visualisation

10 Questions to Get into Alignment

7 Sensational Insights to Find the One

*We offer tools to facilitate you in your life. We advise for involved healing and trauma that you see a specialist.

Why Invest in Manifesting Excellence Today?

You don't know what you don't know about manifesting yet!

Instant Access: As soon as you join, you start manifesting your dreams and desires with immediate access to our exclusive content.

Exclusive & Fresh Content: Get exclusive, constantly updated Manifesting Excellence resources that are available nowhere else. (Some of today's content might not be accessible later!)

Rapid Results: Experience fast, tangible results with our designed techniques.

Incredible Value: Unparalleled value for your investment, offering a comprehensive package.

Proven System: Utilise a manifesting system with a proven track record of success.

Live Your Dream Life Now: Don't postpone manifesting the life you've always envisioned.

No Time Waste: Say goodbye to ineffective methods and start manifesting the life you deserve now.

Early Bird Advantage: Be among the first to leverage our latest manifesting insights and techniques.

Exclusive Bonus Content & Special Events: Act promptly to receive time-sensitive bonus resources, materials, and access to exclusive live events and workshops.

Immediate Impact: Start your manifesting journey today and wake up tomorrow with the tools and resources to manifest your desires with ease.

Join Our Vibrant Community: Secure your spot and be a part of our supportive manifesting community before the rush.

Invest in Your Growth & Future: Consider this a gift to yourself—invest in the life you deserve.

Don't let the fear of missing out hold you back; the window of opportunity is closing fast. Make the most of this unique opportunity and start manifesting the life you've always desired today!

Introducing the Manifesting Excellence Gold Monthly Package Stack:

  1. Masterclass Webinars: Monthly in-depth manifesting content with expert guidance, helping you unlock the full potential of the Law of Attraction.
  2. Webinar Replays: Missed the live session? No worries! Get access to all Masterclass webinar replays in the members' area.
  3. Members Area Access: Dive into a treasure trove of resources, including video tutorials, PDF guides, and exclusive content available only to members.
  4. Weekly Q&A Webinars: Get all your manifesting questions answered during our interactive live sessions, so you never feel stuck or confused.
  5. Q&A Webinar Replays: Revisit past Q&A sessions at your leisure, ensuring you always have the guidance you need.
  6. Facebook Community: Join a supportive network of like-minded individuals on their manifesting journey, sharing tips, experiences, and encouragement.
  7. Downloadable Resources: Access a growing library of PDFs, guides, and other helpful materials to keep you motivated and on track.
  8. Personalized Manifesting Techniques: Benefit from tailor-made methods designed specifically to cater to your unique needs and goals.

This all-inclusive stack offers everything you need to master the art of manifesting, fast-track your results, and transform your life. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and unlock the power of the universe!

Nancy Brook

Montana, USA

TRIPLED my Income, 5 Investment Properties,New Car, Travelled to 6 countries and 22 states,And most importantly - a BEAUTIFUL RELATIONSHIP!

I’ve worked with Hemal and this group for more than a year and a half and in that time I’ve tripled my income, bought 5 investment properties, purchased a new car and saved money in my retirement. I’ve travelled to 6 countries and 22 states. And most importantly, I’ve found love with my beautiful man! Coincidence? I don’t think so.I’m able to get my manifesting questions answered and I’m enjoying the camaraderie of like-energy souls.And the amazing thing is there’s so much more to learn and experience about manifesting.I’m grateful for my progress and this group!Nancy Brook, USA

Here's What You're Going to Receive Today:

1 - Manifesting Excellence Masterclass Webinars - Time to Manifest Excellence - $997.00 Value
Monthly webinars packed with powerful manifesting insights and methods for manifesting success.

2 - Weekly ME Q&A Webinars - Real-Time Personalised Manifesting Advice - $997.00 Value 
Weekly live Q&A sessions for personalised, real-time manifesting advice, troubleshooting, and community support.

3 - Exclusive Access to In-Depth Manifesting Excellence Video Library - $997.00 Value
An expansive library filled with in-depth videos on proven manifesting methods, wisdom, and secrets.

4 - ME Webinar Replays - $497.00 Value 
On-demand access to all webinar replays so you'll never miss a masterclass or Q&A session.

5 - Quick-Access ME PDFs and Resources to Download - $297.00 Value
Quick and easy-to-use manifesting tools, guides, worksheets, and cheat sheets for streamlined progress.

6 - Supportive and Like-Minded ME Private Community - $297.00 Value
Connect with fellow manifestors in a worldwide network and gain new manifesting approaches through a supportive manifesting network.

7 - BONUS CONTENT - $497.00 Value
Exclusive and time-sensitive resources, materials, and access to special events and workshops - MENTION SPECIFICS

TOTAL VALUE - $4579.00



Our Commitment to Your Success

We're deeply committed to your success. We want you to feel confident and reassured when you choose to join our Manifesting Excellence community. Here's how we ensure your satisfaction:

1. 7-Day $1 Trial: To make your decision as easy as possible, we're offering a 7-day trial for just $1. This gives you the opportunity to explore everything Manifesting Excellence has to offer and decide for yourself if it's right for you. There are no hidden fees or unexpected costs. Plus you can easily cancel your subscription at any time.

2. Quality and Value: We're dedicated to providing the highest quality content, tools, and resources. We've worked tirelessly to ensure our offerings are packed with value and designed to deliver tangible results.

3. Ongoing Support: Our commitment to you doesn't end when you sign up. We provide ongoing support and guidance through live webinars, and Q&A webinar sessions and Manifesting Excellence community.

4. Constantly Evolving: We're constantly updating our content, providing you with the latest breakthroughs and techniques in manifesting. Your membership will only become more valuable over time.

You're not just investing in a membership — you're investing in a new, empowering future. Let's get started today!

Your dreams don't have to wait forever. Join the ranks of successful manifestors today. 

We're excited to welcome you to our vibrant community of manifestors.


What is Manifesting Excellence and how does it work?

Welcome aboard the Manifesting Excellence express! It's a manifesting adventure designed to teach you manifesting and transformation techniques where you'll uncover manifesting secrets and transform your life through weekly webinars, masterclasses, Q&A sessions, and a private Facebook group for support and interaction.

You can access as much or as little as you like at a pace you are comfortable with.

What is the $1 trial for 7 days, and how can I sign up for it?

Experience the magic of Manifesting Excellence for 7 days for just $1.  If you love it, which we hope you do, you will automatically be billed for the monthly rate of $97/mth in 7 days.  If it's not for you, no problem just cancel and we still stay friends. 

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to see if this is a fit for you.

Just register above and let the magic begin!

Are there any prerequisites or prior experience required to join Manifesting Excellence?

There are no prerequisites or prior experience required to join Manifesting Excellence. Whether you are new to manifesting or experienced, we value you sharing your manifesting journey and what we will share together.

Just have an open mind to explore what will be coming your way.

How do the live webinars work, and what if I can't attend a live session?

There is a Masterclass webinar at the start of every month in which you will learn the best and most powerful manifesting techniques and strategies.  Many of which you won't find anywhere else in the world.

You will also have access to Weekly Q&A webinars where you can post your questions for Hemal or interact live via the chat while he answers them.

With a worldwide membership, we have aimed to make Manifesting Excellence as easy to access as possible.  

If you are not able to attend a webinar live you will be able to access the replay of it in your members area within a few days or the following week at latest (barring any rare technological issues, which have not happened yet).

Can I access the program content and webinars from a mobile device or tablet?

Yes, you can access the webinars and content from a device with internet access, so you can manifest magic from your phone or tablet.

Are there any additional materials or resources provided, such as workbooks, templates, or guides?

Additional materials and resources, such as workbooks, templates, and guides are provided to supercharge your manifesting journey, depending on your membership tier.

What if I have questions or need help with the techniques and processes taught in the program?

If you have questions or need help with the techniques and processes taught in Manifesting Excellence, you can ask during the live webinars, Q&A sessions, or post in the private Facebook group for support from the ME community.

Can I cancel my membership at any time, and are there any cancellation fees?

Yes, you can cancel at any time and your next renewal will not be taken, no fees, no fuss.  Please allow enough time before then to let us know and we don't offer refunds for partial months.  Simply contact our support team at

I’ve tried manifesting or other programs before and they didn’t work for me. What is special about Manifesting Excellence?

We offer a variety of manifesting techniques, and we know the secret sauce to make it all work together.

Your trainer, coach & author is like a manifesting wizard, sharing his magical knowledge to help you turn your dreams into reality. And if that's not enough, we've got a community of fellow manifestors who'll cheer you on, every step of the way. If manifesting were a cake, we'd be the cherry on top!

I’ve just signed up but haven’t received an email yet?

Please check your spam or junk folder as sometimes emails can end up there. If you still can't find the email, please contact our support team at, and we'll be happy to help you.

How much time will Manifesting Excellence take?

How much time does it take to become a manifesting superstar? The time you invest in Manifesting Excellence is really up to you. We offer a variety of resources and events, such as ME Masterclasses, Q&A sessions, a ME Manifesting Video Library, a private community and much more. You can choose to participate in as many or as few activities as you'd like.

I am looking at other programs as well… why should I go for Manifesting Excellence?

Manifesting Excellence is unique in its personalised approach and focus and offers a wide range of techniques, resources, and expert guidance to cater to your individual needs and preferences. Our commitment to your success sets us apart.

Can I manifest money, love and other important things I have been wanting in my life?

Manifesting Excellence provides you with the tools, techniques, and support to manifest various aspects of your life, including money, love, and more. ME designed to help you on your manifesting superstar journey and achieve the results you truly desire.

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